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May/June 2018 WAEC Literature in English Answer 2018 [Objective & Prose] is Out

May/June 2018 WAEC Literature in English Answer 2018 [Objective & Prose] is Out

Waec 2018 literature in English expo

African Examination Council (WAEC) literature-in-English for  Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) for May/June 2018 paper will be written on Thursday 5th April.

Note; there are three papers in Lit in Eng WAEC – Papers 1, 2 and 3, all of which must be taken different days.

Paper 1 & 2 (Objective and Prose) is combined in a paper taken at one sitting from 8:30am to 10:45am while 

Paper 3 (Drama and Poetry) will take place on Monday, 16th April from 1:30pm to 3:30pm [details will be posted as the day arrives].
Below post is samples of literature in english questions  for candidates participating in the 2018 examination.

Note that below is the questions from Waec literature past questions and answers that we feel are likely questions for SSCE preparation.

Waec Literature Books – Reading Text for 2018 SSCE:

African Prose

AmmaDarko – Faceless
BayoAdebowale – Lonely Days.

Non-African Prose

Richard Wright – Native Son
Patience Swift – The Last Goodman
*William Shakespeare – OTHELLO.

Non-African Drama

Oliver Goldsmith – She Stoops to conquer
Lorraine Hansberry – A Raisin in the Sun.

African Drama

Frank Ogodo Ogbeche – Harvest of Corruption
Dele Charley – The Blood of a Stranger.

African Poetry

Birago Drop – Vanity
Gbemisola Adeoti – Ambush
Gabriel Okara – Piano and Drums
Gbanabam Hallowell – The Dinning Table
Lenrie Peter – The Panic of Growing Older
Kofi Awoonor – The Anvil and the Hammer.

Non-African Poetry

Alfred Tennyson – Crossing the Bar
George Herbert – The pulley
William Blake – The School Boy
William Morris – The Proud King
Robert Frost Birches – Birches
William Shakespeare – Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s Day?


(i) The Unseen Prose passage for Paper 1 shall be about 120 – 150 words long.
(ii) Only context questions shall be set on the Shakespearean text. The context questions will test such items as theme, characterization, style and setting in the Shakespearean text.

(iii) No essay question shall be set on the Shakespearean text.
Section B [Essay]

Answer any … questions.
Write your answers on the answer booklet provided.


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